16 mar 2020

Monday 16th

Good morning!

Let's start the week with energy!
First, you are going to check the exercises about precipitation you did last Thursday by looking at this picture.

Second, let's take information about the weather. This activity lasts one week, every day you will have to record information about the temperature and the rainfall.
For the temperature, we are going to write down the maximum temperature.
For the rainfall, we are going to write down the maximum of 100%. (En la fotocopia pone cm, pero nosotros lo vamos a poner en %, ya que es más sencillo)
You can search for the information on this web page.
By the end of the week, you will have to draw the graphs.

Finally, we will learn about clouds. You can watch these videos (you can switch on the subtitles).
The read page 27 of your book.
Complete exercises 5 and 6 of the photocopies.

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